Our Oil

Our Oil

Olivares de Rocha is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil or an EVOO in which the liquid of the olive is extracted and filtered. Since the olives are harvested during the day, the fruit undergoes less oxidation. No solvents nor chemical additives are used for this process.

Irrigation is done by drip irrigation, providing a more efficient use of water. In the plant, there is a wind farm that produces renewable energy, making energy production self-sustainable.

Made with the latest technology, this EVOO is produced by cold-pressed extraction, ensuring optimum product quality and the preservation of its beneficial properties for health and nutrition.

Harmonic and delicate, with soft notes of greens, a slightly bitter and not very spicy flavor, Olivares de Rocha Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the perfect blend for every dish. Its characteristics make it the ideal complement for white meats, salads, rice, pasta, and even for some desserts such as orange cake or vanilla ice cream.



The drip irrigation and the wind energy generated in the plant make the production of Olivares de Rocha take maximum care of the environment of this exceptional place.

The drip irrigation and the wind energy generated in the plant make the production of Olivares de Rocha take maximum care of the environment of this exceptional place.